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Let's Bloom - Enroll Now 🌸

"I feel...stuck"

Majority the Kids, Teens, & Adults I work with, come to me in the midst of nervous system burnout..and many are completely unaware. I've been there. Actually, I spent so much time there throughout my childhood all the way to my young adult years... that I had completely normalized feeling burnt out. 

If you or your child has been feeling stuck in a constantly dysregulated nervous system state... there is a high probability that you or your child may be experiencing Nervous System Burnout. 

You or your child may be experiencing these symptoms of Nervous System Burnout:
  •  Feeling unmotivated & lack of energy — You know there’s more… but you feel “stuck” in your body & mind. You feel stuck in freeze state.
  • Pathological Demand Avoidance — When you feel extremely out of control of your mind & body, so you desperately cling to any small feeling of control you can get your hands on. Triggered by everyday demands or when you're told what to do.
  •  Cocooning internally for a while with a constant desire to escape the pressure of the world & the constant restless feeling in your mind & body. You know you need support, but have no idea where to start.
  • Constantly feeling triggered...whether it's sensory triggers...demand triggers..anything could be a trigger. Living in a hyperalert state that leaves no room to relax ...truly relax.
  •  Feeling confused & unclear on what to do, how to help, & how to get unstuck. Try to help with little success, which hurts your self esteem even more.   

...And you're done with it.

And it's simple...

This is what you want.

For you or for your child:

  • A nervous system that feels at peace, safe… a sanctuary.
  • Understanding of what is going on inside of you!? And what is happening inside you or your child's nervous system.
  • Having a Plan — The peace & comfort that comes from finally knowing what you or your child needs to GET OUT of nervous system burnout. 
  • Get your life back! Stop feeling like you are holding on by thread & living in the back seat of your life while your dysregulated nervous system drives your life. 
  •  You want a daily practice that regulates your nervous system & releases you from the hold of nervous system burnout.
  • You want a clear map of how to support Pathological Demand Avoidance — Sensory Trauma Therapy Strategies that have been crafted & tested out by an ADHDer and Therapist who has been stuck in nervous system burnout & knows how it really feels...and not just the surface level textbook definition of Burnout & PDA.  
  •  You want to learn about Archetypes in Nervous System Burnout, and identify you or your child's archetype’s strengths, gifts & weaknesses. 


You're in luck: 

It’s Bloom Season

In this live workshop...With guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to  dig deep and nurture our nervous systems. In this workshop, we will work together to clarify the type of support our nervous system ACTUALLY needs during Burnout & PDA, learn how re-vitalize you or your child's nervous system, and start living a life that feels more free, peaceful, & empowered. Let's begin.

Let's Bloom - Save your Seat 🌸

Burnout to Bloom Workshop

Break the Cycle of Burnout.


This is a live workshop experience designed for adults & parents of kids with sensitive nervous systems: ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Autistic, Anxiety, Depression, C-PTSD/PTSD, HSP, OCD, PDA, BPD, for all neurodivergents. 

Join us for a live workshop on June 7th from 1:00-3:00PM EST to learn how to help nervous system burnout. 

In this two-hour masterclass, we will discuss the causes and symptoms of nervous system burnout, as well as strategies and tools to help you manage and reduce the effects of burnout. You will learn how to identify the signs of burnout, and how to create a plan for managing it. 

At the end of the workshop, you will have the tools and strategies to help reduce the impact of burnout and create an environment that supports your nervous system.

Live Workshop: June 7th from 1:00PM to 3:00PM est

Voxer Group Day: June 8th from 1:00PM to 4:00PM est

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and get personalized advice from our experienced facilitator Kelsea OTR/L. 


Live Workshop will be held Wednesday June 7th, 2023. Expect the class to be ~2+ hours of breakthrough, interaction, sensory therapy, meditation, and raw connection.

Coursework & Playtime.

Yep, this is NOT a spectator event. Even if you are here for your child, the best way to learn is through EXPERIENCE. You'll be guided through a Sensory Therapy Session to un-stuck yourself and discover the magic of your own nervous system.

Safe Haven.

One of the most healing therapy tools is Community... speaking from experience. You won't have to do it alone this time. Meet your sensory fam within this container.

Voxer Group Day.

The following day after the live workshop - you will meet again with our sensory fam to connect in our special voxer group message. In this Safe Space, you can ask Kelsea OTR/L any questions, send audio messages back & forth, connect with others inside the course, and learn & resonate with other questions asked within the group message.

Your Burnout Archetype.

Did you know that there are different subtypes of Nervous System Burnout? Now you do. We'll map this out, what your specific subtype needs, - and sooo much more - within our classes.

Emerge Fearlessly.

By the end of this container, I want you to walk away with a HUGE weight lifted off your shoulders (or nervous system)! because you're so stoked to go putting your plan into action and feel so much lighter finally understanding what is going on inside of you and what is needed to HELP. 


I am a Licensed Occupational Therapist...but not your average everyday OT. I am a Proud ADHDer, C-PTSDer, and SPDer. I bring my neurodivergent flare and life experience combined with my trainings in Sensory Processing Therapy, Trauma, and Somatic Therapy to give you Sensory Therapy like you've never seen it before. Inside my workshops, I teach my tried & tested formula that has personally changed my life and the hundreds of kids & adults that I have worked with. Join me for a sensory friendly workshop where you can count on me to make it an experience your nervous system will never forget.

"This class hit me deep in my core in ways I never expected"

"Thank you for offering this workshop. I really feel like your approach to counseling is the best I have experienced - and I'm 50!"

"So many revelations made by taking your course so I can't even imagine how I would feel doing your Sensory Retreat. I have been doing it all on my own for so long and wondering how much longer I can function at this capacity and your course came at the perfect timing"


Ready to Bloom

Save your Spot below (Price will increase to $297):



  • Ticket to Live Workshop on June 7th, 2023 @ 1:00 PM est
  • Access to Voxer Group Day on June 8th, 2023
  • Downloadable Burnout to Bloom workbook
  • Special Surprises & Future Discounts
Let's Bloom - Enroll now

Ready is not a feeling,

it is a decision.

But I don't need to convince you of that. You already know how it feels to wait until the perfect time, feeling, moment, etc... and you're over the illusion that the time will magically arrive.

If you're stuck in freeze state right now, I am sending you a big virtual hug because that is exactly what your nervous system needs right now...is care. support. help.

Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fawn are messages from our nervous system saying: "I need help. I cannot do this alone."

No matter what the voices in your head are saying, The truth is always the same - You should not have to do this alone. You do not have to do this alone.

Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving by supporting you or your child's nervous system.